Tuesday, February 26, 2008


This blog by Gluten-Free Girl is very interesting. It's a blog giving out recipes and is all about food and what people who can not eat food with gluten can do to substitute. The pictures look yummy and the recipes are quite interesting. I think this blog is great for people who have this dilemma and need to spice up their gluten- free life. I really appreciate the blog because up until a few months ago, I didn't even know the condition existed until my father added gluten-free pasta on the menu at the restaurant. I never realized that there were so many gluten-free people. Check out the blog for more! http://glutenfreegirl.blogspot.com/

1 comment:

tom said...

how did u find a good blogto write about???haha i spent like a hlaf hour clicking the next blog button and it kept taking me to all these heavy metal blogs. I finally just ended up talking about Tim's blog and going way off topic. Kind of like i just did here wow. I meant to say nice post.